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christmas for kids buncombe countyLocated in the mountains of North Carolina, one of the counties in North Carolina with the fastest growth is Buncombe. People have been relocating to the region for a number of decades, including:

  • Access to one of the South's most distinctive geographic areas.
  • Many lucrative jobs in big businesses and small businesses
  • Outstanding public and private schools
  • Upscale dining establishments, craft food vendors, and retail stores.
  • Affordable homes and properties, especially when compared to other regions of the nation.
  • There are miles and miles of hiking trails as well as mountain bike parks throughout the county.

You are making a wise choice if you have decided to raise your family in Buncombe County. Anchored by the city of Asheville, Buncombe County’s cities and small towns are surrounded by mile-high mountains, pristine waters, and numerous outdoor activities. 

As people in Buncombe County prepare for the holidays, here are a few tips for making sure your kids are focusing on the meaning of Christmas. 

Christmas for Kids in Asheville and Buncombe County

Throughout the area, people are putting up decorations and beginning to celebrate the most magical time of year. For Christian families, it is vital to find a way to balance travel, gift buying, gift receiving, work and family gatherings, and the need to focus on Christ. 

How to Help Your Kids Focus on Advent in Buncombe County

How to focus on Christ during Christmas:

Study Passages About Jesus’ Incarnation:

  • Genesis 3: The Fall of Man and the Promise of Jesus. 
  • Isaiah 7, 9: The reiteration of Jesus’ incarnation and the assurance that the Messiah would be Emmanuel - God with us. 
  • Matthew 1: The story of Mary and Joseph and the reason Jesus was given his name. Jesus literally means he was sent to save his people from their sins. 
  • Luke 2: The birth narrative of Jesus, the shepherds, the Wise Men, etc. Also, Luke 2 includes the story of Simeon and Anna. 
  • John 1: The description of Jesus’ incarnation and divinity. 

Sing the Songs About Jesus’ Incarnation:

  • Joy to the World
  • Hark the Herald Angels Sing
  • Silent Night 
  • O Holy Night
  • Come Thou Long Expected Jesus
  • Oh, Come All Ye Faithful
  • O Come O Come Emmanuel
  • Come Let Us Adore Him
  • Infant Lowly, Infant Holy
  • O Little Town of Bethlehem
  • Away in a Manger
  • It Came Upon a Midnight Clear
  • What Child is This?
  • Go Tell It on the Mountain
  • Angels We Have Heard on High
  • I Heard the Bells on Christmas Day
  • God Rest Ye Merry Gentlemen

Talk About the Right Kind of Gifts

It is natural for your children to ask for gifts and focus on material things during this season and at all times. It’s just as natural for you to think about those things as well. However, you can help redirect their focus and steer them toward the real gift this season, the incarnation of God in the birth of Christ. 

Emmanuel Lutheran School Helping Kids Focus on Christ

Our teachers and administration put a lot of time and effort into encouraging children to concentrate on Christ throughout the Advent season. We emphasize Jesus and the gospel all year long, not just during the holidays. If you want your child to develop at a school that has an emphasis on developing in discipleship in addition to academic success, reach out to the team at Emmanuel Lutheran School today!