Asheville’s Emmanuel Lutheran School is now a STEAM powered school. That’s science, technology, engineering, arts, and math. In fact, it’s Western North Carolina’s first and only Christian parochial STEAM school! STEAM education takes STEM learning and kicks it up a notch by applying creative thinking, imagination, and design skills – typically through project-based learning. As STEM education matures, and the prevalence of STEM professions continue to grow, there’s a clear need for students to utilize skills that are derived from artistic experiences – benefitting their educational pursuits and future professional endeavors.
Parent-teacher communication is one of the most crucial building blocks for being successful. That success isn't just related to academics either. It can help in how a child and their view of others matures on their path toward adulthood as well.
For five days a week, children split their time between two different types of role model. Their primary role models are, of course, their family: their parents, guardians, siblings, and extended family. The second type of role model is their school family: teachers, fellow students, and other school staff.
“In order for man to succeed in life, God provided him with two means, education and physical activity. Not separately, one for the soul and the other for the body, but for the two together. With these two means, man can attain perfection.” -Plato
As parents and educators, we’re not aiming for perfection! But by integrating education and physical activity, we can help our children attain excellent outcomes. We can equip them with the tools and mindsets they need to thrive today - and as they grow into tomorrow. Why are athletics so critical in this endeavor? Let’s find out!
Circling the Emmanuel Lutheran campus in West Asheville is the Emmanuel Greenway. It's a great course for getting in a few extra steps, prepping for your next race, or just walking your pets. Four exercise stations on the trail were constructed as an Eagle Scout project. View the video below.