In this article, we are discussing why you should choose a Christian private school that is full STEAM ahead!
What Is STEAM?
STEAM is an educational movement that combines science, technology, engineering, the arts, and mathematics to foster critical thinking, problem-solving, and collaboration by applying all the disciplines together. STEAM emphasizes the importance of working together to solve problems, turning the classroom into an innovative coworking space.
STEAM education begins in kindergarten, and each year's STEAM projects will build on the preceding year's. Students will be able to see and develop a process as they work in groups to solve problems.
This adds interest to subjects students may have previously thought were dull and boring. Robotics, drones, 3D imaging, and other forms of technology are employed in the classroom to connect all of the traditional topics.
Is STEAM Better than STEM?
In the United States, integrating STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics) curricula became increasingly popular in the early 2000s. One of the primary goals of STEM was implemented to prepare students to enter a workforce increasingly dominated by these careers connected to these subjects.
However, educators found that studying these to the exclusion of the arts left students lacking the tools necessary for creativity and collaboration in work and in life.
According to research, reintroducing the arts into STEM has improved even the way they learn other subjects such as science. We have found that STEAM contributes to improvements in test scores, confidence, and overall academic experience.
What Is STEAM Like in a Christian School?
Emmanuel Lutheran School in Asheville is Western North Carolina's first and only Christian Parochial Christian STEAM school. Our mission is to share the gospel of Jesus Christ. We believe that goes hand-in-hand with a STEAM-based curriculum:
- STEAM encourages creativity: The first chapters of the Bible are about God's creativity as he made the world, the universe, and humans.
- STEAM emphasizes collaboration: Upon the creation of the first humans, God said it was not good for man to be alone. We were designed from the beginning to be in community, collaborating with one another to glorify God.
- STEAM demonstrates structure and order: We know all truth is God's truth. God created the principles we use for practicing science, engineering, and math.
- STEAM rewards innovation: The disciples and early church did not let obstacles stop them from taking the gospels to the nations. They collaborated to create innovative solutions. Christians can and should be at the forefront of utilizing and developing technology to spread the gospel.
- STEAM instills confidence: As students work together to solve problems, they are instilled with confidence that can translate to other aspects of their life.
STEAM empowers students through the use of technology and the arts to create confidence and encourage them to achieve great things beyond their middle school years.
How Can Your Child Get Involved in a STEAM Program?
STEAM is an educational movement that is helping students realize their dreams and become well-rounded adults. For Christian parents, you know there is nothing more important to your child's development than their relationship with God.
At Emmanuel Lutheran School, you can be confident that your child is being prepared spiritually and practically to become the adults God created them to be.
If you have additional questions about how the combination of an emphasis on the gospel and STEAM will help your child grow, we would love to answer them. Contact ELS for more information about our school and how your child can be involved.