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Tips for Reducing Screen Time Throughout the Summer

Tips for Reducing Screen Time Throughout the Summer

May 17, 2020

Parents you probably have already been wrestling with the “screen-time” struggle with your kids. Remote learning has put children in front of a computer, tablet, and/or phone for more than we would like. However, now they are doing schoolwork and not just playing games. We can see the benefits for screen time, but are we teaching more dependence on these screens? Do we want our children to learn that you must have a screen to survive?

Thankfully, summer is right around the corner, and hopefully, there will be some normalcy around your homes. There will be more time for family involvement and fun without the pressure of getting the remote learning work complete. At Emmanuel Lutheran School, we have a strong passion for STEAM (Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics) learning. Many children learn through a hands-on approach of trial and error critical thinking. As we watch young children play with blocks and shape toys, we can see them trying different things as they are creating something from their imagination. We need to continue to foster this imagination learning through hands-on activities without a device in front of our faces. 

Six Tips for an Unplugged Summer

Summer can be difficult to entertain the children at home. It’s easy to set a screen in front of the children, but is it helping their critical thinking skills? Is it freeing their imagination and creativity? Our mission at Emmanuel Lutheran School (ELS) is “to prepare children for Today, For Tomorrow, Forever.” We want to help you create an exciting summer that will create memories that will last forever. 

  1. STEAM activities: While students were in school at ELS, they were able to participate in various activities that were “unplugged” and help shape their critical thinking skills in a fun way. Try to recreate the different experiments using basic household supplies. There are several videos on our website that will help you see the students doing these activities. We have put several links to help you find different ideas for STEAM activities.
  2. Visit a Museum: When museums open up, schedule a time to visit one. As a family, you get to see, touch, and experience science in new and exciting ways. Looking at rocks and minerals on a website is fine, but going to an exhibit where you can actually hold a mineral is even better. 
  3. Go Hiking: Asheville is a beautiful place surrounded by mountains. Hike to a waterfall and talk about the power water produces. Hike along a river or stream and see how water shapes rocks or cuts through dirt. Hike along a greenway and watch animals in the natural habitat. 
  4. Play Outdoor games: Everyone needs to move around. Sitting behind a computer, tablet, and phone is bad for our posture, eyes, and body. Experts have recommended that kids need to do some kind of physical activity for 60 minutes every day. Summer is a great time to be outside doing physical activity. The outdoor games will bring a bonding experience for your family that your child will never forget. There are a variety of affordable yard games that can be put up in your yard. 
  5. Service Projects: Jesus commanded his followers to love and serve one another. Many organizations around Asheville can use volunteers. Sign up as a family to help a food bank. Go to the store together and pick up food to donate to a food pantry. 
  6. Attend a Summer camp: ELS is planning “Summer Rocks! 2020.” This is a great opportunity to explore a variety of areas of learning. It will also allow children to develop social and teamwork skills that will benefit them later in life. You can find more information on our website, summer. 

While technology can be great and help our lives, sometimes being unplugged can be better. Being unplugged will allow you as a family to connect on a deeper level. It will create more conversations and activities that will shape your child into a productive member of society. You can reach us at (828) 281-8182 or check out our website for more information and ideas on how to engage in activities without the use of a screen.