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STEAM Activities in First through Fourth Grades

STEAM Activities in First through Fourth Grades

October 23, 2019

Our First through Fourth grades have been busy learning in more natural and hands-on methods using engineering, science, and math!


First Grade STEAM activities

Mrs. Schmitz’s first grade classroom utilized Chicka Chicka Boom Boom trees to practice math and engineering, similar to Mrs. Noel’s classroom last month. Additionally, students use geometric shapes to create new spaces and patterns. This activity helps them identify 2D shapes they are learning about in class.


Second Grade STEAM activities

Mrs. Stackhouse’s second grade is building base tens block structures in math. Students had to build a structure, then tell the value of their structure. Base Tens Blocks are great manipulatives that provide hands-on ways to learn place value, number concepts, operations, measurement, and much more. They help students physically represent what they’re learning so they can develop a deeper understanding of the meaning of each concept.


Third Grade STEAM activities

Ms. Ball’s third grade classroom utlizies STEAM “boxes” that have different engineering activities that students can build in centers. Each box contains an activity with specifications for each project.

Activities featured below include building a pencil case with plastic blocks, designing a bink bed using play doh or clay, engineering a bicycle from pipe cleaners, and building a working trap from geometric blocks.


Fourth Grade STEAM activities

Fourth grade is working on review for an upcoming science test. They created four centers to review each of the lessons within the unit. Students were asked to work in groups to problem solve with each center. Group work is an important aspect of fourth grade and can be very beneficial for learning.

To practice animal adaptations, students played a hands on game which showed how animals camouflage themselves for protection. Students used their Chromebooks to research current endangered animals.

To review natural resources, students drew pictures on a chart of renewable and nonrenewable resources. Our last center had students using play animals to create food webs. The class seems to really benefit from completing STEAM centers as review. We plan to try more in the future!
