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Questions To Ask Before Choosing a Private School

Questions To Ask Before Choosing a Private School

March 03, 2021

Although the last year has been unusual, one constant has been the continued rapid growth of western North Carolina. In fact, there are signs that even more residents moved to the area than in previous years. The surrounding mountains and beautiful scenery are only part of what has been attracting people here by the tens of thousands over the past two decades. 

For a relatively rural area, we have some of the highest quality schools in the state. Buncombe County and Asheville City Schools provide an excellent education for residents of our area. Still, many parents are seeking alternatives to public education. Emmanuel Lutheran School is entering enrollment season for all ages - Preschool through eighth grade. If you are exploring the possibility of enrolling your child in a private institution, here are eight key questions to ask. 

8 Questions To Ask a Potential Private School

1) What is your mission?

You will learn a great deal about a potential private school from its mission. Our mission is to prepare children For Today, For Tomorrow, Forever. We accomplish our mission by providing an excellent academic experience from preschool through eighth grade. More importantly, we assure each student is saturated with the gospel of Jesus Christ every day and provide multiple opportunities during the week for children to study the Scriptures. 

2) What curriculum do you use? 

Private schools are able to utilize the curricula they feel are best for their students. ELS implements a STEAM-based curriculum. STEAM is an educational movement that combines science, technology, engineering, the arts, and mathematics to foster critical thinking, problem-solving, and collaboration by applying all the disciplines together.

3) What sets you apart from other schools?

What makes a private school unique? For ELS, we are the only Christian parochial school in western North Carolina offering a STEAM curriculum for elementary and middle school students. Robotics, drones, 3D imaging, and more technology are used in the classroom to tie into all the concepts in the traditional classroom.

4) What is your class size?

One of the advantages of private education is class size. At Emmanuel Lutheran School, we make sure there are no more than 15 students in most classrooms. That is about 40-50% smaller than traditional public schools in the area. Smaller class sizes allow students to receive vital individual attention and help. It is also integral to the effectiveness of our collaborative STEAM curriculum. 

5) What are your affiliations?

Many Christian private schools are affiliated with denominations. Emmanuel Lutheran School is affiliated with the Lutheran Church, Missouri Synod. A summary of how that informs our beliefs:

  • God is Triune, one God existing in three persons. The three persons are coequal and coeternal. 
  • God the father is the creator of all that exists. 
  • Jesus, the Son, became human to suffer as a substitute for our sins. He resurrected from the grave on the third day. 
  • The Holy Spirit creates faith through God’s Word and the Sacraments. 
  • Grace alone means that though people are sinful and have earned judgment, God sent Jesus to save them based on his own love. 
  • Faith alone means that belief in the gospel of Jesus is the only way humans can be forgiven. 
  • Scripture alone means that the Bible is inerrant and infallible, given to us by God’s own breath. It is the only authority for Christian doctrine. 

Although we are Lutheran, our school welcomes students from all backgrounds. Reach out to us for more information about our doctrine and beliefs. 

6) What extracurricular activities do you offer?

It is important to make sure the private school you choose has the resources necessary to provide the extracurricular activities in which you want your children to engage. ELS provides high-quality athletic programs as well as theater and fine arts. 

7) What are your expectations of parents? 

How involved does a private school want parents to be? There is no doubt that students benefit from parental involvement in their academics and spiritual growth. ELS welcomes parents to take an active role in our school. 

8) What is student life like?

For each student at Emmanuel Lutheran School, every day will be filled with opportunities to hear the gospel and study Scriptures. Their classrooms are creative and collaborative, and students will have opportunities to engage in fun and challenging extracurricular activities. Other student life activities include:

  • Weekly chapel services 
  • Academic field trips to Washington D.C. and the Outer Banks
  • Multiple service projects through the year
  • A number of Academic fairs and competitions
  • Celebrations such as Grandparents’ Day and Pep Rallies
  • Athletics, Fine Arts, and Theater opportunities

Students enjoy life at ELS. 

At Emmanuel Lutheran School, you can trust your child will have every opportunity to grow spiritually, emotionally, and intellectually. Our STEAM curriculum makes us unique among other private and public schools. We would love to talk with you more about how your child would fit in at ELS. Contact us for more information about enrollment and to schedule a tour of our Christian private school in west Asheville, NC.