ELS Curriculum
Based on NC Standards:
Math | K-5th | Go Math |
Math | 6th-8th | Big Ideas |
Literature | Kindergarten | Words Their Way/Guided Reading |
Literature | 1st-2nd | Rooted in Reading |
Literature | 3rd-8th | Novels |
Grammar | K-8 | Shurley |
Social Studies | K-3 | Harcourt |
Social Studies | 4th | Houghton Mifflin |
Social Studies | 5th-8th | Pearson myWorld Interactive |
Social Studies | 6th-7th | World History/Pearson |
Social Studies | 8th | NC & US History/Pearson |
Handwriting | Kindergarten | Fundations |
Handwriting | 1st-4th | Handwriting Without Tears |
Phonics |
Middle School Electives: Ram News, archery, cooking, study hall and others.
Specials: Music, Art, STEAM, Physical Education, Spanish
We play in a conference with other Christian Schools.
Does this school have a particular educational philosophy or mission?
Mission: To prepare children for today, for tomorrow, forever.
Philosophy: Love God and Love Others
Is the school implementing the Common Core State Standards, and if so, what is the procedure and timeline for teacher training and implementation?
Emmanuel Lutheran School follows state standards for textbook purchasing and as a guide for our curriculum. Teachers are trained as new curriculum is purchased. We review one area of curriculum each year on a 5-year rotation.
What is the average class size?
12-15 students per class.
How is technology used to support teaching and learning at this school?
Technology is an integral part of teaching at ELS. Each child has access to a computer or tablet during the school day. Middle school students are assigned a Chromebook.
How do students get to school? Is free school busing available?
Parents. There is no bus service to ELS.
How does this school support students who have academic, social or emotional difficulties?
ELS works with Asheville City schools to support children who have difficulties. Many of our teachers offer tutoring after school. We also have an Orton Gillingham trained tutor to work with children who have reading disabilities. Tutors are paid by the parent.
What professional development opportunities do teachers have? In what ways do teachers collaborate?
Each teacher submits a professional development plan to the principal. Teachers are given a ½ day each month to pursue professional development.
What are some of the school’s greatest accomplishments? What are some of the biggest challenges this school faces?
Our greatest accomplishment at ELS is our students! We love seeing how our alumni flourish in the community. Our biggest challenge is financially affording all the wonderful opportunities we want to give our students.
Does the principal seem confident and interested in interacting with students, teachers and parents?
The principal’s first love is the students at ELS. Mr. Edmiston rotates between elementary and middle school car lines each week. He is active in their lives at ELS. Mr. Edmiston is also our STEAM teacher! He is open to meeting with parents at any time.
Is there an active Parent Teacher League (PTL)? What other types of parent involvement take place at this school?
ELS has an active PTL. They host many activities during the year. Each classroom has a room parent that helps support PTL.
How well are the facilities maintained? Are bathrooms clean and well supplied, and do the grounds look safe and inviting?
ELS is blessed to have a maintenance operator on staff. He ensures the building is safe and well kept. We have an outside cleaning company that cleans our facility.
What criteria are used to determine student placement in classes?
School records are requested and students must complete a reading and math assessment before admittance.
How does this school keep parents informed of school information and activities?
Parents are informed of activities through our FACTs school information system. Parents are also emailed a weekly newsletter from our principal. Teachers use different formats for communitcating with parents such as DoJo, Googlemeets, etc...) For school closings and/or delays we have an automated calling system to notify parents.
Is quality child care available before and after school?
We open our doors at 7:30 every day. Students are admitted into the classrooms at 7:45 am. Our aftercare program runs from 3:15-5:30 each day. There is an additional charge for aftercare.
How much outdoor time do students get each day?
Elementary students receive 40 minutes of outdoor time each day. Middle school students receive 15 minutes of outdoor time each day.
How does the school guide and prepare students for the transition to high school?
Our middle school students have been guided throughout their years at ELS on how to handle academic and social situtations. Many of our students attend public high schools and are very well prepared to tackle not only honors/AP classes but are also well prepared to navigate the uncomfortable social issues they may face. Students are grounded in their faith and academic performance after leaving ELS.